Nvu 1.0

Free Nvu 1.0 is a very easy to use application for creating web pages
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1.0 See all
Linspire Inc.
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 138 people
Free   7.6 MB

Nvu 1.0 is a very easy to use application for creating web pages.
It uses HTML, Code, and previous view of the web page being developed, inserts pictures, tables, hyperlinks, anchors, forms, PHP code, comments, etc. for making web pages in a very quick manner, editing them in What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) mode, so anything is done is immediatly seen.

The program also allows to open made web pages and navigate through their files to change or update them, even from web sites (if you have the log on capacity), showing tree views of the site, folders, files, documents, pictures, etc. with size information and last modification dates.

The page editor displays several web pages at the same time by means of Tags selection to swap the page shown, interchange code by copy and paste, etc.

Insertion of CSS stylesheets by the CSS editor included. There is a complete style option window for setting border properties, fonts, etc.

HTML validation, a Markup cleaner, Forms inserter, JavaScript Console, resizing rules for cells, rows, columns and tables, etc.
The created pages can be exported as plain text for later revisions.

For the code view, the application includes an useful spell checking tool for easily correcting typed code in the web page project, clean documents, markups, etc.

Text size Zoom 50% to 300%.

IS Senior editor
Ignacio Solves
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Tagged pages view. CSS insertion. JavaScript console. Very easy to use for creating simple web pages


  • None

Comments (4)

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rating Eric
NVU apps for making a webpage it's good for me. I was used this software for many times. Thanks for NVU.

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NVU is an application software used for creating web pages. Web pages are created by the use of HTML, PHP, involving tasks like to inserts pictures, tables, hyperlinks, anchors, forms, code, comments, etc. This whole process is done very easily by the help of this user friendly software for a great effect.

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Simple but more than adiquate - out-performs paid-for programmes

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